Following that, Wanyi represented ONE in giving us several talks, reminding us about our purpose, and the attitude and mindset we should adopt as a PSL.
At the same time, she introduced two new initiatives, one of them being Classical Tuesdays! As can be seen, it'll be held every Tuesday with your Classics to encourage bonding and non-work related interaction between PSLs. The second would be Morning Meetings, where each PSL will meet their assigned one from ONE before morning assembly.
We were then briefed on the very exciting upcoming events Special Projects was organising, FAW and the VTC board. Do spread the message that 'School Can Be Cool' and encourage your friends to visit the VTC board!
Finance also clarified the change in name from PSB CIP to PSB FAITH.
We also had presentations from Communications regarding the PSB website, go and visit it now! And also the PSB page on facebook. A very gentle reminder from Communications, please 'like' all the posts made on the facebook page as it will then appear on other's news feeds. (:
Human Resource briefed us on the procedures of the board awards. The thrre awards are The Teddy Bear Award, Outstanding leadership award, and the Outstanding commitment award.
Then, we had the surprise birthday celebration for the birthday babies organised by HR! We played Balloon Monster, where we got into groups of 6 where there would be one birthday girl, the objective was to stick on as many balloons as possible onto the birthday girl! They then had to do the chicken dance and hop around the CLC, it was a comical sight seeing their balloons drop off as they jumped around :D Here are some photos!
I love Rachel's expression here!(:
Lastly, we had a small celebration where everyone brought out the snacks they brought and we split into our buddy groups to sit down and chat over some finger snacks. HR also gave each of us a little ticket as souvenirs!
Credits to Yang Gin for the photos!
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